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The Pawnbroker (1964)

Released: 20 Apr 1965 IMDb: tt0059575 Country: USA Runtime: 116 min Genres: Drama Source: DVD Panda rating: Not yet rated In a poor neighborhood of New York, the bitter and lonely Jewish pawnbroker Sol Nazerman is a survivor from Auschwitz that has no emotions or feelings. Sol lost his dearest family and friends in the war and his faith in God and belief in mankind. Now he only cares for money and is haunted by daydreams, actually flashbacks from the period of the concentration camp. Sol's assistant is the ambitious Latino Jesus Ortiz, who wants to learn with Sol how to ru... Director: Sidney Lumet Actors: Brock Peters, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Jaime Sánchez, Rod Steiger IMDb Rating: 7.8 ( based on 5,529 votes )

Waktu yang Diterbitkan2015-08-03
Nikmati Diri Anda