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House of Usher (1960)

Released: 22 Jun 1960 IMDb: tt0053925 Country: USA Runtime: 79 min Genres: Horror Source: DVD Panda rating: Not yet rated After a long journey, Philip arrives at the Usher mansion seeking his loved one, Madeline. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Madeline and her brother Roderick Usher have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become catatonic. That evening, Roderick tells his guest of an old Usher family curse: any time there has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings have gone insa... Director: Roger Corman Actors: Harry Ellerbe, Mark Damon, Myrna Fahey, Vincent Price IMDb Rating: 7.0 ( based on 7,559 votes )

Время публикации2015-08-02